The primary aim of the BD2030 Vision encompasses economic, social, and environmental facets:.
Empowering people with opportunities and achieving their potential.
Creating Opportunities for Employment and Ensuring Future Security.
Enhancing Conditions for Life, Work, and Leisure""
Transforming Batley and Dewsbury into Premier Business & Residential Hubs Batley and Dewsbury aims to reclaim their status as vibrant centres of commerce and community within North Kirklees. Despite years of neglect due to poor planning, management, and a lack of focus, our towns harbour immense potential for growth and revitalisation.
The BD2030 Vision sets forth a clear agenda to reinvigorate our communities by:
Creating opportunities for local businesses to thrive, attracting investment, and stimulating economic activity.
Cultivating vibrant, attractive town centres that cater to the needs and aspirations of residents.
Ensuring housing options for all, including affordable housing, to support a diverse and inclusive community.
CRespecting and celebrating our cultural heritage as an integral part of our identity and community fabric.
Ensuring housing options for all, including affordable housing, to support a diverse and inclusive community.