To work as an independent voice for Batley and Dewsbury, aiming to make life better for everyone through community projects, growing the economy, and open fair leadership.

  • AIMS

    Economic Revitalisation: To grow and strengthen our local economy by helping new and existing business, creating more jobs.

    Community Well-being: To make sure everyone has access to top-notch education, healthcare, and public services.

    Infrastructure and Transport: To improve roads and public transport to better connect our towns and make travel easier.


    Town Centre Revival: To make the centre of Batley and Dewsbury lively places for shopping and spending time, reducing vacancy rates and improving the shopping experience.

    Safety and Cohesion: To make our towns safer and bring people together by working closely with the police and organising community events that build trust and friendship among different groups.

    Environmental Sustainability: To start projects that help the environment, better manage waste, and make our parks and green areas nicer for everyone.


    Star a Local Business Support Programme within the first year to offer money, training, and marketing help to small businesses.

    Begin a Long-term Plan to make our town centres better, amiming to start within the first 18 months. This plan will focus on bringing in new investments and enhancing public areas.

    Launch a Community Policing Intiative within the first six months, working with the police and community leaders to tackle crime and improve safety.

    Let up a Local Environmental Task Force by the end of the first year to look into and start using better practices in handling waste, using energy wisely, and planning our urban spaces.


The landscape of Batley and Dewsbury has evolved significantly. Mr. Fab endeavours to ignite the revitalisation of our local towns by envisioning the future development through the BD2030 Vision.


This document serves to start a discussion point, outlining the framework for the long-term physical evolution and adaptation of Batley and Dewsbury towards the BD2030 Vision.


It reflects the aspirations of a local resident, aiming to enhance the lives of those who reside, work, operate businesses, and enjoy leisure in Batley and Dewsbury.


Situated strategically within the Northern Powerhouse region, between Manchester, Leeds, York, and Sheffield, Batley and Dewsbury are poised to leverage the opportunities within reach.


The BD2030 Vision will establish a Transport Strategy to facilitate seamless travel between the two towns. We urge the council to expand on the BD2030 Vision, delving into housing, employment, and commercial development to effectively realise its potential.


Through concerted efforts and strategic planning, we aspire to transform Batley and Dewsbury into thriving hubs that enrich the lives of all residents.


Batley and Dewsbury's economic growth will be realised, enhancing North Kirklees as a desirable place to reside.
