Develop Batley and Dewsbury in a manner that aligns with local needs and fosters opportunities for employment within the community.

1. Develop Batley and Dewsbury in a manner that aligns with local needs and fosters opportunities for employment within the community.

Create high-quality job opportunities both within and outside of Batley and Dewsbury, promoting economic growth and prosperity.

2. Create high-quality job opportunities both within and outside of Batley and Dewsbury, promoting economic growth and prosperity.

Cultivate an appealing environment to attract local investment, fostering economic development and revitalisation.

3. Cultivate an appealing environment to attract local investment, fostering economic development and revitalisation.

Promote tourism and enrich cultural offerings to enhance the appeal and vibrancy of Batley and Dewsbury.

4. Promote tourism and enrich cultural offerings to enhance the appeal and vibrancy of Batley and Dewsbury.

Encourage businesses in the office sector to establish themselves in town centre locations, contributing to the vitality and diversity of the area

5. Encourage businesses in the office sector to establish themselves in town centre locations, contributing to the vitality and diversity of the area

Address competition from neighbouring centres and online shopping by innovating and offering unique experiences and services

6. Address competition from neighbouring centres and online shopping by innovating and offering unique experiences and services.

Overcome barriers posed by heavily trafficked roads encircling Dewsbury's town centre, facilitating pedestrian and cyclist access to enhance connectivity.

7. Overcome barriers posed by heavily trafficked roads encircling Dewsbury's town centre, facilitating pedestrian and cyclist access to enhance connectivity.

Address concerns regarding insufficient long-term parking availability near town centres, ensuring convenience for visitors and residents.

8. Address concerns regarding insufficient long-term parking availability near town centres, ensuring convenience for visitors and residents.

Improve the visual appeal of public spaces and streetscapes, addressing out-dated infrastructure and enhancing amenities such as seating and signage.

9. Improve the visual appeal of public spaces and streetscapes, addressing out-dated infrastructure and enhancing amenities such as seating and signage.

Provide family-friendly facilities and activities to cater to younger residents, fostering a sense of community and engagement

10. Provide family-friendly facilities and activities to cater to younger residents, fostering a sense of community and engagement.

Counteract the decline in residential housing and green spaces in town centres, preserving the liveability and attractiveness of the area

11. Counteract the decline in residential housing and green spaces in town centres, preserving the liveability and attractiveness of the area.

Expand early evening offerings to enrich the social and cultural experiences available to residents and visitors alike

12. Expand early evening offerings to enrich the social and cultural experiences available to residents and visitors alike.
